people together holding shapes
MAPPING AMERICA One community at a time.
two light shapes

Your Community

by identifying shared interests and community needs.

two light shapes

Draw a
Community Map

by choosing units that make up your community.

two light shapes

Your Map

as public input for map makers to use when drawing new voting districts.

LWVMC local districts

Organized by LWVMC in CA

For members of LWVMC to submit and create Community of Interest maps to submit to local redistricting Jurisdictions in Marin County.

This organization has partnered with Representable to allow people to draw communities of interest and share information about the interests and needs in those communities.

Making this information available encourages mapmakers to take these communities into account during redistricting, in order to avoid gerrymandering and the “packing and cracking” of marginalized groups.

In California, maps are drawn by the California Citizen Redistricting Commission, by late December 15, 2021.

In addition to the federal requirements of one person, one vote and the Voting Rights Act, California’s state constitution requires that state legislative and congressional districts: 

  • be compact
  • be contiguous
  • preserve political subdivisions
  • preserve communities of interest
  • do not consider partisan data (except where required by federal law)
  • do not favor or disfavor an incumbent, candidate for office, or political party

In the redistricting process, your state requires the consideration of communities of interest (COIs). Under the state constitution, a community of interest is defined as a contiguous population which shares common social and economic interests. Communities do not include relationships with political parties, incumbents, or political candidates. Add your community to contribute your voice to the redistricting process.

See community maps drawn in California