We are working to make sure the Dane County Board of Supervisors accurately reflects the people and communities it represents. As part of that process, we are interested in learning what you think makes up your "community of interest."
Who do you consider your neighbors? What other people, businesses, schools, churches or other organizations do you interact with on a regular basis? What places do you visit or travel to in the course of your day or week? What issues, values, or concerns bind you and your community together? Join us to help make sure your elected officials truly "represent" you and your community.
1) Each district should represent the same population size, be contiguous, and compact;
2) Minimize the number of municipal boundaries crossed;
3) Ensure fair and effective representation of the diverse ethnic and racial population in Dane County;
4) Take into consideration geography and natural boundaries such as rivers and lakes;
5) Keep intact neighborhoods and communities of interest and association, whether historical, racial, economic, ethnic, religious, or other;
6) Districts shall be drawn without regard to incumbency.
Dane County's ordinance requires that:
"District lines shall keep intact neighborhoods and communities with established ties of common interest and association whether historical, racial, economic, ethnic, religious or other."
Communities as described above don't always fall neatly into existing, easily mapped areas such as municipal boundaries, school districts, census block groups, or neighborhood associations. The Redistricting Commission needs your help to make sure your community is adequately represented.