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AAAF is hoping to advocate for AAPI communities in Georgia and ensure that fair maps are drawn in order to protect our communities and have elected officials that reflect our values.
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A civic engagement and policy advocacy organization that connects communities across five-counties in NY’s capital area. CAUL works to ensure that African Americans, Hispanics and other disenfranchised citizens can secure economic self-reliance, parity, power and civil rights.
More Details Partner SiteMA
A fair redistricting process is critical to a healthy and reflective democracy. Drawing Democracy strives to achieve fair districts that equitably represent communities of color, low-income people, and immigrants through a transparent process and maximum community engagement.
More Details Partner SiteAL
Alabama Election Protection Network is a collaborative of nonpartisan grassroots organizations who are dedicated to upholding the core values of democracy. We work to ensure an open, honest, and accountable government that serves the public interest; promote equal rights, opportunity, and representation for all; and empower all people to make their voices heard in the political process.
More Details Partner SiteAK
Alaskans For Fair Redistricting (AFFR) is an association of community members and organizations engaging in the public process of redrawing the state legislative boundary lines following the census. AFFR is working to achieve an open and transparent redistricting process that results in a fair and legal outcome and that protects rural and urban communities of interest.
More DetailsNC
All On The Line is a campaign to bring citizens across every issue together to win on redistricting in 2021. Our mission is to raise awareness about the harmful impact gerrymandering has on federal and state policymaking, create and encourage participation in activities that defend democratic ideals, and increase grassroots engagement in every step of the redistricting process.
More Details Partner SiteWA
APIC South Puget Sound is part of the APIC Washington. We are dedicated to promoting equity by advocating for: -Culturally competent and linguistically accessible health and human services -Economic development for small businesses -Civil and human rights -Equal access to education And many other concerns for Asian Pacific Americans. In short, we are dedicated to racial and economic justice for all Asians and Pacific Islanders in solidarity with Black, Brown, and Indigenous communities.
More Details Partner SiteNY
A resource center and hub for all redistricting activity in New York State. Contact us for information on laws, process, activity and a public mapping program.
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As a commissioner, I am creating this site so I can review possible maps configurations.
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As an innovative, data-driven management consultant company, we strive to support the westside underserved community of Chicago by collecting data to gain better insights and make better decisions regarding the future of the community stakeholders and home ownership.
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Asian Americans Advancing Justice - Chicago's Midwest Asian American Organizing Network project on redistricting.
More Details Partner SiteMN
Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) are the fastest growing population in Minnesota. AAOP is committed to advancing the AAPI community through grassroots organizing with a comprehensive approach to addressing AAPI barriers and issues in Minnesota. Our vision is that Asian American and Pacific Islander individuals, families, organizations, and communities in Minnesota will affect long-term social change and civic engagement through grassroots, neighborhood organizing efforts.
More Details Partner SiteIL
CBCAC is a civic organization seeking to empower Chinese American communities in Greater Chicago through civic education, issue advocacy, and community mobilization. In our 20+ years, we worked to strengthen our community's representation in public decision-making and community developments. We registered voters, promoted voting and answering the Census, and advocated for fairer redistricting. In 2021, we are fighting to ensure Chinatown isn't fragmented on political maps.
More Details Partner SiteGA
Center for Common Ground was founded to educate and empower under-represented voters in voter suppression states to engage in elections and advocate for their right to vote.
More Details Partner SiteIL
CHANGE Illinois is a nonpartisan, nonprofit leading systemic government and election reforms. CHANGE (the Coalition for Honest and New Government Ethics) champions ethical and efficient government and democracy and includes a diverse group of civic, philanthropic, business, labor, professional, and nonprofit organizations representing millions of Illinoisans.
More Details Partner SiteCA
Checking to see if this is a good option for our clients to obtain community feedback by.
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CivicTN is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit civic engagement coalition that envisions a future where underrepresented communities of color, single women and young people — the rising American electorate — have a greater voice and influence in shaping state policy and choosing leaders who affect their lives.
More Details Partner SiteNC
Civil rights group focusing on the city of High Point, NC and Guilford County, NC
More Details Partner SiteMI
Dedicated to researching and supporting political reform to overcome the detrimental impact of our great political divide on effective governance in the US.
More Details Partner SitePA
Draw the Lines PA is a statewide civic education and engagement initiative for Pennsylvanians to draw election maps. Since 2018, over 1,000 Pennsylvanians have drawn their own PA congressional or legislative maps. Starting in 2021, these mappers, plus thousands more allies, will be ready to watchdog the actual map-drawing process to make sure the redistricting process is transparent and fair. Learn more at
More Details Partner SiteMA
Elevated Thought is an art and social justice 501(c)(3) organization based in Lawrence, MA. We develop spaces for BIPOC youth and communities to engage and understand art's liberating power. Organizing around redistricting would give young people and our community the opportunity to learn about and advocate for a transparent and fair redistricting process and overall legislative representation. It would also affirm young people as leaders and experts of their own experiences.
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Empowering citizen leaders to make a difference in promoting the common good.
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Empowering Women. Defending Democracy. Proudly non-partisan and grassroots for more than 100 years.
More Details Partner SiteNV
Ensure all Nevadans are seen, heard, and represented in the redistricting process.
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Ensure that all Nevadans are seen, heard, and represented in the redistricting process.
More Details Partner SiteMT
Established in 2011, Western Native Voice (WNV) is a non-profit, non-partisan organization working to increase Native American participation and engagement in voting and self-determination. We work to nurture and empower new native leaders and impact policies affecting Native Americans through community organizing, education, leadership, and advocacy. We are engaged on all seven Montana Indian reservations and engaged in major Montana urban centers.
More Details Partner SiteCO
Every 10 years after the release of the census data, Denver City Council is required to redraw its city council boundaries to ensure every person has a voice in electing their local representative. For 2022 Denver City Council will make redistricting more inclusive and accessible to all residents of Denver, and is encouraging residents to participate throughout the redistricting process.
More Details Partner SiteNJ
Fair Districts New Jersey is a coalition advocating for a fair, transparent and independent redistricting process in the state of New Jersey. The coalition is led by the League of Women Voters of New Jersey.
More Details Partner SitePA
Fair Districts PA is a nonpartisan, statewide coalition of organizations and individuals working to create a process for redistricting that is transparent, impartial, and fair.
More Details Partner SiteNJ
Faith in New Jersey is a growing multi-faith and multi-racial network of faith leaders and faith communities working together to advance a social and economic justice agenda at the local, state and federal level. Faith in New Jersey’s mission is to develop grassroots community leaders, analyze the policies that shape our communities, and mobilize faith voices and faith voters to effectively act on the prophetic call to build the Beloved Community.
More Details Partner SiteMI
farmland, national forests, hunting sparse population dotted with a few moderately sized cities and town
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Featuring and creating great maps of Detroit. We offer community services and free workshops to democratize map making.
More Details Partner SiteIL
Fighting for working class interest in SW suburban Cook County.
More Details Partner SiteAL
For 101 years the League of Women Voters has been a non-partisan, activist grassroots organization for women AND MEN whose core mission is Empowering Voters and Defending democracy. To that end we encourage informed and active participation in government, work to increase understanding of major public policy issues and influence public policy through education and advocacy.
More Details Partner SiteCO
GeoCivics provides resources for educators and community members to create an understanding of the apportionment and redistricting process in the United States, with particular attention to the role of geospatial technology. For more details, explore this story map:
More Details Partner SiteMA
La Colaborativa is a direct service and community organizing non-profit in Chelsea Massachusetts. We work to empower and uplift our Latinx immigrant community in Chelsea and the surrounding areas of Lynn, Malden, East Boston, Revere, and Everett.
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Lawyers for Civil Rights is a civil rights advocacy organization based in Boston, MA that fosters equal opportunity and fights discrimination on behalf of people of color and immigrants through legal action, education, and advocacy.
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League of Women Voters group in West Michigan.
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LWVDE is creating fair maps with getting input from communities across the state.
More Details Partner SiteWA
LWVWA is focused on protecting democracy.. Redistricting reform is a focus at the national and state level. With an existing bipartisan commission, without extreme state level gerrymandering our challenge is to activate people to engage in the reform so the redistricting process works for everyone.
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Make It Work Nevada centers the lived experience of Black women and Black families to change public policy.
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Multifaith, multiracial community-based organization fighting for equity and abundance in Los Angles County
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neighborhood association created to improve community within boundaries of South Shore (Chicago, Il)
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Non-partisan organization advocating for fair maps and reform of the redistricting process
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North Texas Chapter of the Asian Pacific Islander Americans Public Affairs Association
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On-campus non-partisan coalition to engage and educate students in the political process and civic engagement.
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One Arizona is made up of 28 organizations active all over Arizona. We are completely nonpartisan, focused on improving the lives of Arizonans, especially people of color and young people, by building a culture of civic participation.
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Organizations can tailor this description to whatever they'd like Representable users to see and can include direct links to their organization too!
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Our goal is for districts to be drawn in a fair and transparent manner that keeps communities together, respects political boundaries, and ensures communities of common interest have their best shot at electing officials who will represent them.
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Our goal is to engage the Davidson Community politically with the goals of achieving racial justice, increasing housing accessibility and defending democracy through the elections of qualified Democrats to public office.
More Details Partner SiteVA
Our goal is to ensure that Virginia representative maps represent Virginia voters.
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Our goal is to gain community feedback for the City Council redistricting
More Details Partner SiteNC
Our goal is to have a community of interest that is best for the Chatham County Public School system.
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Our goal is to increase the number of minorirty Majority Wards/Districts in our area.
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Our goal is to invite novice league members to build communities of interest.
More Details Partner SiteVA
Our goal is to learn about creating communities of interest that impact the drawing of district lines for Virginia's eleven representative districts.
More Details Partner SiteTN
Our goal is to preserve communities of interest as defined by the residents living in them while ensuring proportionality and competitiveness in order to construct an aggregate map that is fair and prioritizes the citizenry's ability to choose officials that best represent their interests.
More Details Partner SiteUT
Our goal is to reduce gerrymandering, which has reduced representation by BIPOC and more progressive communities and resulted in a legislature dominated by special interests and one political party. This affects our ability to lobby successfully for health care improvements.
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Our goal is to support and uplift black communities
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Our goal is to support and uplift communities in Foley, AL. We are working to ensure that fair maps are drawn in order to protect our communities and have elected officials that reflect our values.
More Details Partner SiteNY
Our goal is to support and uplift our communities in Harlem. Our organization is working to ensure that fair maps are drawn in order to protect our communities and have elected officials that reflect our values.
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Our goal is to support legislation and to promote candidates that are concerned with the environment, want more access to voting for all and are strong proponents of safe gun legislation.
More Details Partner SiteVA
Our mission is to educate and inspire people to address public issues and cultivate a just and inclusive democracy. As a nonpartisan entity, JMU Civic emphasizes the acquisition of knowledge to make one a more informed participant in our democracy, skills to make one a more effective participant, and values that embrace pluralism, open-mindedness, empathy, respect, diversity and inclusion.
More Details Partner SiteMA
Our mission is to improve the lives of Portuguese speakers in Massachusetts and help them become contributing, active participants in American society while maintaining a strong ethnic identity and a sense of community. We work with and for the Brazilian, Cabo Verdean, Portuguese and other Portuguese-speaking communities to increase access and remove barriers to health, education and social services through direct services, advocacy, leadership, and community development.
More Details Partner SiteAL
Our objective is to understand the redistricting process for our county and be ready to push back when the maps are presented in September from the Republican controlled super-majority Alabama legislature.
More Details Partner SiteGA
Our Organization is involved in empowering the voices of those who are not heard. It is our goal to have fair maps to have a fair representation of all people.
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PCC’s overall GOAL is to improve the voter turnout over past elections. PCC also worked to increase Census responses. Recently, PCC started using 3D mapping to track its outreach in the community. Technology fits into the strategic plan to maintain accurate data and create usable mapping technology. This agrees with PCC’s redistricting efforts. PCC has created a Redistricting Committee and will work to develop redistricting maps that appropriately represent our communities.
More Details Partner SiteOK
People Not Politicians is an Oklahoma-based nonpartisan nonprofit organization that promotes a government that works for the people, not just the politicians. We believe that gerrymandering is bad, that voting should be easy, and that elections should be open to all registered voters.
More Details Partner SiteVA
Put the Power in Our Hands-Political parties have systematically canceled the votes of under-represented Virginians in the gerrymandering process. Gerrymandering or redistricting allows politicians to pick who they want as their voters instead of voters picking who they want to represent them. Legislators had to take Virginians seriously and approved the amendment to create a nonpartisan redistricting commission. NBNRO must continue to stand for the Black & Brown community.
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RAVT provides analytical support for decision-makers interested in promoting fair redistricting. We are preparing for the redistricting efforts that will follow the 2020 census.
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Representable is a project from Princeton University, designed to empower community members with the tools to map their community and have their voice heard in the redistricting process.
More Details Partner SiteSC
South Carolina Community Black Caucus is a nonpartisan 501(c)(4) nonprofit advocacy organization formed as a social cooperative by community activists, legal professionals, political operatives, business owners, and faith leaders. We serve as a multi-issue advocacy group that empowers citizens to advocate on their own behalf by actively engaging elected officials at every level of government and all political parties to introduce and pass policies, laws, and ordinances that are equitable.
More Details Partner SiteSC
South Carolina Community Black Caucus is a nonpartisan, nonprofit advocacy organization formed as a social cooperative by community activists, legal professionals, political operatives, business owners, and faith leaders. We serve as a multi-issue advocacy group that empowers citizens to advocate on their own behalf by actively engaging elected officials at every level of government and all political parties to introduce and pass policies, laws, and ordinances that are equitable and just.
More Details Partner SiteCO
Space to explore communities of interest for students in political geography
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state organization aimed at educating voters and advocating
State Voices is committed to creating a fair and just society by advancing racial equity and working to make our democracy more accessible, inclusive and representative.
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test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test
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Texans Against Gerrymandering is a 501c(3) nonprofit and nonpartisan organization whose mission is ending the practice of gerrymandering in our state through redistricting reform.
More Details Partner SiteTX
Texans Against Gerrymandering is a 501c(3) nonprofit and nonpartisan organization whose mission is ending the practice of gerrymandering in our state through redistricting reform.
More Details Partner SiteTX
Texans Against Gerrymandering is a 501c(3) nonprofit and nonpartisan organization whose mission is ending the practice of gerrymandering in our state through redistricting reform.
More Details Partner SiteIL
The 40th Ward Democrats is a neighbor-led political organization dedicated to increasing voter turnout and supporting candidates who embody our community’s values.
More Details Partner SiteAZ
The Arizona Democratic Party is working to elect Democrats into public office to move Arizona forward.
More Details Partner SiteMA
The Brazilian Women's Group (BWG) is a volunteer-run organization that was started in 1995 by a group of Brazilian immigrant women of various backgrounds and occupations. The women hoped to "make a difference” in the wider Brazilian community, encouraging its members, particularly women, to stand up for their rights in the United States. We promote our goals through community organizing and by empowering community members to speak for themselves regardless of immigration status.
More Details Partner SiteMA
The Brazilian Women's' Group (BWG) is a volunteer-run organization that was started in 1995 by a group of Brazilian immigrant women of various backgrounds and occupations. The women hoped to "make a difference” in the wider Brazilian community, encouraging its members, particularly women, to stand up for their rights in the United States. We promote our goals through community organizing and by empowering community members to speak for themselves regardless of immigration status.
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The Center for Civic Engagement (CCE) cultivates partnerships that strengthen communities and develop active and engaged citizens.
More Details Partner SiteVA
The CTZN 410 course allows students to work with online GIS to create communities of interest for purpose of reapportionment of Virginia's House of Representative seats.
More DetailsWI
The Dane County Redistricting Commission is a nonpartisan entity established by county ordinance to recommend new supervisory district maps for the Dane County Board of Supervisors in Dane County, Wisconsin.
More Details Partner SiteTN
The Equity Alliance (TEA) is a Tennessee-based 501(c)(3) nonpartisan grassroots organization led by award-winning Black women. We envision a society where Black communities are thriving and have equitable access to power, resources, and the freedom to choose our quality of life. Our mission is to unapologetically build independent Black political and economic power. We educate, empower, and mobilize Black people to take action and keep our government in check.
More Details Partner SiteMI
The FREED Peoples share the interests of BIPOC communities and are passionately working on a range of public policy issues involving social, racial & environmental injustices as they affect education, health, housing, social services and basic human rights in our Michigan communities.
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The goal of this project is to help students in the City University of New York learn about redistricting by having them map their communities. The maps they create will be provided to the New York City Districting Commission to aid in the 2022 city council redistricting process.
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The Institute’s cutting-edge racial and social justice advocacy seeks to empower people of color by building reparative systems that create wealth, transform justice and harness democratic power—from the ground up—in New Jersey. The Institute advocates for systemic reform that is at once transformative, achievable in the state and replicable in communities across the nation.
More Details Partner SiteMI
The League is a non-partisan political organization that empowers voters and defends democracy.
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The League is a nonpartisan, political organization which encourages the informed and active participation of citizens in government, and influences public policy through education and advocacy.
More Details Partner SiteSD
The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan political organization encouraging informed and active participation in government. It influences public policy through education and advocacy.
More Details Partner SiteVA
The League of Women Voters of Virginia has supported fair redistricting in the Commonwealth for many decades. We are pleased that 2/3 of Virginia voters approved the Constitutional Amendment that establishes a bipartisan redistricting commission which will draw #fairmaps in 2021. You can map YOUR "Community of Interest" and add them to our drive. It is crucial that the Commission hear from the citizens of Virginia! We will collect the maps and submit them to the Commission.
More Details Partner SiteKS
The League of Women Voters Topeka-Shawnee County is a nonpartisan political organization encouraging the informed and active participation of citizens in government. It influences public policy through education and advocacy. The League never supports or opposes any political party or candidate. The League is a membership organization and a nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation.
More Details Partner SiteMA
The Massachusetts Voter Table advances civic access, engagement, and representation to increase resources and power for people of color and working-class people toward achieving a multiracial democracy. The Massachusetts Voter Table is committed to a long-term organizing strategy that advances our vision of a more democratic and equitable society.
More Details Partner SiteCA
The Milk Club is a place for people to be political, left, and queer. We build power with and for all of the “us's” — San Franciscoʼs most vulnerable communities — to be free from scarcity, oppression, and machine politics For the last 45 years, weʼve carried on Harvey Milkʼs legacy as one of the largest, left-est, and longest-running political organizations in San Francisco — and weʼre definitely the queerest.
More Details Partner SiteNY
The MinKwon Center is a grassroots community based organization that exists to empower the Korean American community, and work with the broader Asian American and immigrant communities, to achieve social and economic justice for all. MinKwon's work includes leading several civic participation coalitions in NYC focused on increasing participation among Asian American New Yorkers around voter engagement, census participation, and fair redistricting.
More Details Partner SiteNV
The National Congress of American Indians, founded in 1944, is the oldest, largest and most representative American Indian and Alaska Native organization serving the broad interests of tribal governments and communities.
More Details Partner SiteGA
The New Georgia Project is a nonpartisan effort to register and civically engage Georgians. We are committed to ensuring that Georgians are aware of and actively participate in the redistricting process.
More Details Partner SiteRI
The Office of City Councilor Helen Anthony wants to encourage residents to participate actively in the definition of ward boundaries.
More Details Partner SiteNY
The One Person, One Vote Coalition is an ad hoc group of individuals and organizations who are committed to the adoption of an equitable redistricting plan that is produced through a transparent, participatory and fair process.
More Details Partner SiteUT
The Utah Independent Redistricting Commission is an advisory commission tasked with providing suggested redistricting maps to the legislature.
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The Utah Redistricting Coalition is a partnership between organizations and individual advocates dedicated to ensuring Utah’s 2021 redistricting process is transparent and results in fair maps for all of Utah. Learn more at
More Details Partner SiteNY
The Van Nest Neighborhood Alliance (VNNA) is a 501C3 formed as a neighborhood civic association for the Bronx Van Nest community conducting monthly meetings for residents to determine their concerns and goals. The VNNA works in close cooperation with local law enforcement and elected officials to maintain and update community infrastructure and, where practical, undertake community projects, all for the purpose of maintaining the quality of life within a crime-free environment.
More Details Partner SiteMI
The Washtenaw County Food Policy Council increases and preserves access to safe, local, and healthy food for all residents of Washtenaw County.
More Details Partner SiteNC
This community primary interest is to create local voting wards/districts in the city of Wilmington, NC and New Hanover County. Also, we would like to create voting wards/districts for the New Hanover County School Board.
More DetailsNY
This group is centered on the creation of Just Maps. Maps designed with the aim of exploring, visually representing, and educating on justice and equity issues - both historic and contemporary.
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This is a class in NYC public policy process taught at the College of Staten Island.
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This is a regional group of All on the Line Texas
More Details Partner SiteCO
This space provides an opportunity for students to explore the resources of the website and describe their own communities during a geography course at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs.
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This tool will be used to gain public input on the Ward Redistricting process for the City of Aurora, Colorado for the year 2023.
More Details Partner SiteGA
To provide resources for children to develop into confident, competent, and caring adults in 4 growth areas: • To assist students, improve their academic performance (Skill Building and Knowledge) • To help students develop self-confidence • To encourage students to become independent life-long learners • To help students develop appropriate study and time management skills To accomplish these goals, we invite the parents to engage in the student’s activities, building up a powerful system
More Details Partner SiteAL
Tuscaloosa Action promotes progressive action and causes in Tuscaloosa and West Alabama. Our goal is to amplify the progressive voices in Tuscaloosa.
More Details Partner SiteUT
UCLR is Utah’s longest serving advocacy organization focused on civil rights, social justice, and opportunities for Utah’s latino communities.
More Details Partner SiteTN
UnifiEd is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, grassroots organization located in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Founded in 2014, UnifiEd’s goal is to achieve an equitable public school system in Hamilton County by increasing community engagement, growing advocacy, and by building grassroots power.
More Details Partner SiteCO
University of Colorado Colorado Springs students provide their communities during spring semester 2021
More Details Partner SiteSC
Vision Walkers is a 501(c)4 grassroots political action organization that seeks to strategically and tactically engage the Black Electorate at the intersection of government. Our primary focus is to inspire those that have disengaged from the political arena because of the marginalization of the present political leadership and the ignorance of past administrations. Last but not least, our endeavors are routed to create financial stability to our disenfranchised communities and members who haven
More Details Partner SiteMI
Voters Not Politicians is a a 501(c)(4) organization dedicated to engaging Michigan citizens in effective actions to strengthen our democracy. We know that democracy is stronger when voters are engaged, educated, and demand to be a part of government decision-making and public policy.
More Details Partner SiteVA
Voting districts belong to Virginians, not to parties or politicians. OneVirginia2021 was founded in 2014 when a group of leaders from across the political spectrum came together with the common goal of reforming Virginia’s outdated and discriminatory redistricting laws.
More Details Partner SiteMD
We are a grassroots movement of scholars working across borders. Each letter of our name describes the values and commitments of the people who join our network: scholars who care about research for social impact, transnationally networked leaders, academically-driven educators, and researchers with ethics and integrity.
More Details Partner SiteNY
We are a group of researchers who have developed a novel algorithm for measuring and solving gerrymandering using community of interest data. Previously, we have used algorithms to generate these communities, but we believe using a crowd-sourced platform will increase the accuracy of our models. Our project does not currently have a website, however we do have a github repository for our code.
More Details Partner SiteNY
We are a multi-issue grassroots organization dedicated to racial justice and economic democracy in the Bronx.
More Details Partner SiteMA
We are a team of specialists providing coordinated access to the Latinx community with the purpose of promoting empowerment. We offer education, information, support, and solutions.
More Details Partner SiteMA
We are the “new majority”: people of color, immigrants, women, and the working class, on a path to liberation. Our statewide membership is organizing to put people and the planet before profit. We counter the fear that causes injustice by building power to transform the institutions that govern our lives.
More Details Partner SiteFL
We are working on redistricting plans for Broward County, Florida
More Details Partner SiteNJ
We bridge the gap between mathematics and the law to achieve fair representation through redistricting reform.
More Details Partner SiteUT
We identify, invest, and ignite a dialogue with voters that live in Utah’s rural areas, empowering them to take action and vote on the issues that matter most for Utah’s future. We believe that when we organize overlooked communities in our state, that we will be able to inspire important conversations and create life-long citizen advocates for Utah’s future.
More Details Partner SiteTX
We’re on a mission to end gerrymandering because it contributes to the polarization and dysfunction in our political system. It’s time to end map manipulation and finally have fair districts. We deserve accountable, responsive elected leaders.
More Details Partner SiteTX
We’re on a mission to end gerrymandering because it contributes to the polarization and dysfunction in our political system. It’s time to end map manipulation and finally have fair districts. We deserve accountable, responsive elected leaders.
More Details Partner SiteUT
We're the Utah nonprofit that sponsored Proposition 4 in 2018 to create Utah's new Independent Redistricting Commission.
More Details Partner SiteNJ
Wind of the Spirit Immigrant resource center / Viento del Espiritu centro recurso para el immigrante is an organization that has worked with the immigrant community for more than 21 years. We have a strong presence in Morris county as well as Plainfield NJ.
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