Why map your community?

Map with community selected

Mapping your community and identifying its shared interests allows public officials to take your community’s concerns into account during redistricing.

What is

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Every ten years, the United States draws new voting districts. District lines decide who votes for which representatives in local, state, and federal elections.

What is gerrymandering?

Districts illustration with pencil

Politicians have been splitting up or packing together communities into voting districts that silence their voices. Mapping your community of interest helps fight gerrymandering.

What is a Community of Interest?

A Community of Interest is a geographic area that shares cultural, historical, or economic interests.

Districts illustration with pencil
Your neighborhood
Districts illustration with pencil
People you want to choose representatives with
Districts illustration with pencil
A local group connected by an interest

Redistricting in your state:

In Oklahoma, districts are drawn by the state Legislature by ordinary statute, and are subject to the governor's veto. If the Legislature fails to pass a plan, a seven-member backup commission assumes redistricting authority.

In addition to the federal requirements of one person, one vote and the Voting Rights Act, Oklahoma’s state constitution requires that state Senate districts: 

  • be compact
  • be contiguous
  • preserve political subdivisions
  • preserve communities of interest

In 2011, the redistricting committee adopted guidelines with these same criteria for state House and congressional districts.

In the redistricting process, your state requires the consideration of communities of interest (COIs). A community of interest is a long-standing population that shares social, cultural, ethnic, and economic similarities. Communities do not necessarily share the same political viewpoints or support for certain candidates or political parties. Add your community to contribute your voice to the redistricting process.

See community maps drawn in Oklahoma