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My community is centered around Vilas Park and Zoo and surrounded by the Monroe, Regent, and Park street business areas. It includes a branch library and two hospitals and related clinics. There are several churches and a synagog, but many if not most of us belong to more distant congregations. Neighborhood House serves primarily the eastern end of the neighborhood. Buses run along Regent, Monroe, Mills, and Park streets but not in the core of the neighborhood.
Most of the community has some ties to the University of Wisconsin-Madison--students, faculty, other staff, and alumni. A large part of the community is a historic district. The architecture and residents (age, religion, ethnic background, etc.) are varied.
We share a concern for the natural environment of Lake Wingra, Vilas park, smaller parks, and the University of Wisconsin Arboretum.
The busy streets (Park, Regent, Monroe), natural features (Lake Wingra, Wingra Creek), and large institutions (Meriter and St. Mary's hospitals, Edgewood College, clinics) form boundaries of the community. Our shared concerns include protecting the community from the detrimental effects of motor vehicles (noise, air and water pollution, danger to pedestrians, climate change).
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