Wasatch Front

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transportation housing mental health environment affordable

I have an economic community around the Ogden area. My family owns 6 restaurants in that area. The Wasatch front from Ogden to Provo has different needs than the rural areas such as Morgan or Tremonton.

I live in Salt Lake County and want to see that county less fragmented by Congressional representation. Salt Lake County does not have the same needs as a more Rural area. Salt Lake county is more dense with more urban issues that need to be addressed. Salt Lake county and the wasatch front has aligned needs from Ogden to Provo with housing, density, air and water quality and the Homeless population that is not being addressed.

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Wasatch Front

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Data Layers
Election Data
Percentage of population by race (denoted by shading opacity):
This map was created at Representable.org

Economic or Environmental Interests

I have an economic community around the Ogden area. My family owns 6 restaurants in that area. The Wasatch front from Ogden to Provo has different needs than the rural areas such as Morgan or Tremonton.

Community Needs and Concerns

I live in Salt Lake County and want to see that county less fragmented by Congressional representation. Salt Lake County does not have the same needs as a more Rural area. Salt Lake county is more dense with more urban issues that need to be addressed. Salt Lake county and the wasatch front has aligned needs from Ogden to Provo with housing, density, air and water quality and the Homeless population that is not being addressed.
Better Boundaries
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