Middle class of Sandy

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Community Information

housing healthcare suburban

My community is made up of lower/middle class working families. Rising housing costs and increased difficulty in cost of living/education are a concern

my community is a culturally diverse group, with Latino families mixing with Caucasian.

My community is a suburb of Salt Lake city, with mostly starter homes and apartments. Some higher end homes are present as well. Rising home costs are driving up the cost of living, making a living wage a real concern.

Crime is a worry, but not a massive presence. Recourses like food aid and family care are probably more of a need

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Middle class of Sandy

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Data Layers
Election Data
Percentage of population by race (denoted by shading opacity):
This map was created at Representable.org

Economic or Environmental Interests

My community is a suburb of Salt Lake city, with mostly starter homes and apartments. Some higher end homes are present as well. Rising home costs are driving up the cost of living, making a living wage a real concern.

Community Activities and Services

My community is made up of lower/middle class working families. Rising housing costs and increased difficulty in cost of living/education are a concern

Cultural or Historical Interests

my community is a culturally diverse group, with Latino families mixing with Caucasian.

Community Needs and Concerns

Crime is a worry, but not a massive presence. Recourses like food aid and family care are probably more of a need
Better Boundaries
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