My community of interest is Phoenix, Arcadia, Camelback Mtn Community

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Community Information

libraries diversity education environment hiking

My community of interest is Phoenix, Arcadia, Camelback Mtn Community Camelback Mtn Trails, Canals, and Parks are walking distance from our neighborhood. We are part of Phoenix City 6. We pay Phoenix sales tax for Phoenix water, Libraries, Police & fire. We are not part of Scottsdale. When we moved to Arizona 16 years ago, we made a purposeful decision to make our home in Phoenix. I took a job teaching at North High in Phoenix. I go to church in Phoenix. My family frequents restaurants and small businesses in Phoenix, from Arcadia to Biltmore to Sunnyslope. Please modify maps to draw Arcadia back into North Central Phoenix, this is our Community.Jane McNamara 4431 E. Palo Verde Dr.

My community of interest is Phoenix, Arcadia, Camelback Mtn Community

Data Layers

Election Data
Population: 240088
Percentage of population by race (denoted by shading opacity):
This map was created at

Community Activities and Services

My community of interest is Phoenix, Arcadia, Camelback Mtn Community Camelback Mtn Trails, Canals, and Parks are walking distance from our neighborhood. We are part of Phoenix City 6. We pay Phoenix sales tax for Phoenix water, Libraries, Police & fire. We are not part of Scottsdale. When we moved to Arizona 16 years ago, we made a purposeful decision to make our home in Phoenix. I took a job teaching at North High in Phoenix. I go to church in Phoenix. My family frequents restaurants and small businesses in Phoenix, from Arcadia to Biltmore to Sunnyslope. Please modify maps to draw Arcadia back into North Central Phoenix, this is our Community.Jane McNamara 4431 E. Palo Verde Dr.