Gagging and coughing Salt Lake Valley

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transportation healthcare diversity environment affordable

My community of interest is the Salt Lake Valley. Some of the issues we face include, first and foremost air pollution. We are in a unique setting as a valley surrounded by mountains and full of dirty air that we all share and can't escape. This issue is of no or little concern to the rural areas of the state who are lucky enough to be able to breath clean air in most cases. Tied to this is a need for a much more robust public transportation system which would reduce traffic and the huge amount of carbon monoxide emitting vehicles. We also are faced with a problem of affordable housing and shrinking open space, this in turn exacerbates the problems of a growing homeless population.

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Gagging and coughing Salt Lake Valley

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Data Layers
Election Data
Percentage of population by race (denoted by shading opacity):
This map was created at

Community Needs and Concerns

My community of interest is the Salt Lake Valley. Some of the issues we face include, first and foremost air pollution. We are in a unique setting as a valley surrounded by mountains and full of dirty air that we all share and can't escape. This issue is of no or little concern to the rural areas of the state who are lucky enough to be able to breath clean air in most cases. Tied to this is a need for a much more robust public transportation system which would reduce traffic and the huge amount of carbon monoxide emitting vehicles. We also are faced with a problem of affordable housing and shrinking open space, this in turn exacerbates the problems of a growing homeless population.
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