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education environment suburban

My community of Morgan is tied together by unique topography-we're literally surrounded by mountains. When people ask where we're from, we all answer the same. We're from Morgan. In addition to topography, Morgan's identify is further defined by our county borders (Morgan County) and school district (Morgan School District) borders, and stakes of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (there are 3 stakes in our area with "Morgan" in their names. When we say Morgan--everybody knows what that means--it's this valley separated from the more heavily populated valley "down below", and Henefer off to the East.

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Data Layers
Election Data
Population: 7933
Percentage of population by race (denoted by shading opacity):
This map was created at

Community Activities and Services

My community of Morgan is tied together by unique topography-we're literally surrounded by mountains. When people ask where we're from, we all answer the same. We're from Morgan. In addition to topography, Morgan's identify is further defined by our county borders (Morgan County) and school district (Morgan School District) borders, and stakes of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (there are 3 stakes in our area with "Morgan" in their names. When we say Morgan--everybody knows what that means--it's this valley separated from the more heavily populated valley "down below", and Henefer off to the East.
Better Boundaries
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