suburban salt lake

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Community Information

renewable resources voting rights diversity education environment

My community includes people who choose to live here because of the amazing recreational and outdoor opportunities available so close to our homes

My community includes people who commute to work, have children and grand children who breath our polluted air and are effected by the increasingly extreme changes in climate

our suburban community's votes are outweighed by the votes of more rural, less well educated and less diverse populations included in our district

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suburban salt lake

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Data Layers
Election Data
Percentage of population by race (denoted by shading opacity):
This map was created at

Economic or Environmental Interests

My community includes people who commute to work, have children and grand children who breath our polluted air and are effected by the increasingly extreme changes in climate

Community Activities and Services

My community includes people who choose to live here because of the amazing recreational and outdoor opportunities available so close to our homes

Community Needs and Concerns

our suburban community's votes are outweighed by the votes of more rural, less well educated and less diverse populations included in our district
Better Boundaries
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