New Traditional Sun Prairie

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My community - Sun Prairie - has evolved over time into an East-West city especially with the development of separate east-west high schools and their corresponding attendance areas. I think that attention should be paid to establishing new supervisory districts that are somewhat sensitive to these established boundaries. Most communities of color (African American and Latino) reside in the center/east and far east side of town. A sizable Asian/Middle East population resides on the west side.

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New Traditional Sun Prairie

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Data Layers
Election Data
Percentage of population by race (denoted by shading opacity):
This map was created at

Cultural or Historical Interests

My community - Sun Prairie - has evolved over time into an East-West city especially with the development of separate east-west high schools and their corresponding attendance areas. I think that attention should be paid to establishing new supervisory districts that are somewhat sensitive to these established boundaries. Most communities of color (African American and Latino) reside in the center/east and far east side of town. A sizable Asian/Middle East population resides on the west side.
Dane County Redistricting Commission
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