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We have a few community areas that are very popular around town. Our public transport is desperately in need of expansion to help those is the poorer communities. Bus stops are common on the lower-class part of town but are sparse as you get into the upper-class areas. This makes it difficult for those in the poorer parts of town to get work in the nicer parts. There are a few parks that many people go to.
We have a couple of nice, but small museums, one of which is dedicated to Native Americans. We also have a moderately new aquarium and a zoo. We have a couple small but historic concert halls. Native Americans are sparse despite our location in the country. We have a fairly large black community that is completely ignored by the white communities on the other side of the city. Latinx culture is present here and there.
There is a river nearby that is dry most of the year. Our community is mixed and doesn't rely on a single economic product, but oil is very prominent here. We rely too much on fossil fuels and there is not enough interest in renewables
Equal opportunity needs to be addressed.
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