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transportation healthcare crime education environment

Montbello does not have a place to socialize. We use The Montbello Rec Ctr, for most events. The center is not located in Montbello however it is used for community events, meetings, outdoor recreation, movies, etc. We have several parks for gatherings, however not always accessible or safe for those with Disabilities and Seniors. Getting to parks safely is an issue. Traffic, lack of crosswalks, traffic signs, lights, parking. etc. Montbello High School parking lot is used for events, again not always available, safe for all populations, disabled, small children and seniors. Not handicapped accessible. Montbello Library, intended for large events, families, meetings and socializing.

Montbello is 50 + years old. We are a diverse Neighborhood and always have been. However, like many older neighborhoods the historical distinction is not acknowledged or lost. There are no designated historic places in Montbello. The first elementary school, health center, park, and first high school. grocery store, first community event. sports events, meetings, groups and organizations. When and where hosted. A plaque or signs indicating these events and the persons responsible should be celebrated. The Rocky Mountain Arsenal the history of what it was those residents who worked there and what it is now.

Most residents work outside Montbello. Due to the cost of living. Where there are many fast food jobs they are sufficient to sustain a family. We have environmental concerns in Montbello. Noise, Air, Overcrowding, Trash, diesel, commercial trucks, trailers, water quality, etc.

Montbello needs a full service grocery store, a costco, traditional high school, A full service Health Facility to accommodate the Montbello Neighborhood, Road Improvements, Side walks, Safe Walking accessibility for all. Empowerment zone, Educational facility to teach, train a skilled based workforce in the Arts, Stem jobs, Construction, to include Design, Architectural, Water conversation, Environmental jobs, Air Quality control, Conversation, Forestry, Health care careers, Mental Health, etc.

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Data Layers

Election Data
Population: 67546
Percentage of population by race (denoted by shading opacity):
This map was created at

Economic or Environmental Interests

Most residents work outside Montbello. Due to the cost of living. Where there are many fast food jobs they are sufficient to sustain a family. We have environmental concerns in Montbello. Noise, Air, Overcrowding, Trash, diesel, commercial trucks, trailers, water quality, etc.

Community Activities and Services

Montbello does not have a place to socialize. We use The Montbello Rec Ctr, for most events. The center is not located in Montbello however it is used for community events, meetings, outdoor recreation, movies, etc. We have several parks for gatherings, however not always accessible or safe for those with Disabilities and Seniors. Getting to parks safely is an issue. Traffic, lack of crosswalks, traffic signs, lights, parking. etc. Montbello High School parking lot is used for events, again not always available, safe for all populations, disabled, small children and seniors. Not handicapped accessible. Montbello Library, intended for large events, families, meetings and socializing.

Cultural or Historical Interests

Montbello is 50 + years old. We are a diverse Neighborhood and always have been. However, like many older neighborhoods the historical distinction is not acknowledged or lost. There are no designated historic places in Montbello. The first elementary school, health center, park, and first high school. grocery store, first community event. sports events, meetings, groups and organizations. When and where hosted. A plaque or signs indicating these events and the persons responsible should be celebrated. The Rocky Mountain Arsenal the history of what it was those residents who worked there and what it is now.

Community Needs and Concerns

Montbello needs a full service grocery store, a costco, traditional high school, A full service Health Facility to accommodate the Montbello Neighborhood, Road Improvements, Side walks, Safe Walking accessibility for all. Empowerment zone, Educational facility to teach, train a skilled based workforce in the Arts, Stem jobs, Construction, to include Design, Architectural, Water conversation, Environmental jobs, Air Quality control, Conversation, Forestry, Health care careers, Mental Health, etc.