Park City proper, lower Deer Valley specifically

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Community Information

transportation housing diversity environment affordable

My community funds and operates numerous non profits. Philanthropy is important in this community.

We have a large LatinX population in my community. This is a vibrant and tight knit community. Many service jobs are held by this population. Small businesses are owned and operated by these citizens. The community looks to develop an arts and culture district in the heart of town.

We believe in climate change and support efforts to address our impact on the globe.

Climate change - equitable access to transit and affordable housing.

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Park City proper, lower Deer Valley specifically

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Data Layers
Election Data
Population: 1222
Percentage of population by race (denoted by shading opacity):
This map was created at

Economic or Environmental Interests

We believe in climate change and support efforts to address our impact on the globe.

Community Activities and Services

My community funds and operates numerous non profits. Philanthropy is important in this community.

Cultural or Historical Interests

We have a large LatinX population in my community. This is a vibrant and tight knit community. Many service jobs are held by this population. Small businesses are owned and operated by these citizens. The community looks to develop an arts and culture district in the heart of town.

Community Needs and Concerns

Climate change - equitable access to transit and affordable housing.
Better Boundaries
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