Salt Lake City

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Community Information

LGBT+ housing diversity education environment

My community is made of people who live in Salt Lake City, with the Salt Lake School district, University of Utah, and SLCC offering educational services. The Salt Lake Library system is widely used by myself and people in my community.

Salt Lake City is growing in diversity, including in religion, politics, and racial/ethnic diversity. People in Salt Lake generally share values of diversity and inclusion.

Salt Lake City experiences some of the worst air pollution in the nation (and sometimes in the world).

We need representation as an urban area, not to be divided up into many districts.

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Salt Lake City

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Data Layers
Election Data
Population: 208808
Percentage of population by race (denoted by shading opacity):
This map was created at

Economic or Environmental Interests

Salt Lake City experiences some of the worst air pollution in the nation (and sometimes in the world).

Community Activities and Services

My community is made of people who live in Salt Lake City, with the Salt Lake School district, University of Utah, and SLCC offering educational services. The Salt Lake Library system is widely used by myself and people in my community.

Cultural or Historical Interests

Salt Lake City is growing in diversity, including in religion, politics, and racial/ethnic diversity. People in Salt Lake generally share values of diversity and inclusion.

Community Needs and Concerns

We need representation as an urban area, not to be divided up into many districts.
Better Boundaries
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