Smithfield Utah

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Community Information

diversity suburban affordable

Community participated in central town and city parks, travels to nearby Logan for shopping. I am a minority as a non-Mormon, most people here are Mormon and are a part of that religious activity.

Smithfield has undergone significant growth in recent decade. Lots of new younger families, used to be a ritual community now more suburban.

Lots of manufacturing jobs, commute outside of town for work

Religion significantly impacts politics in the state of Utah, need more separation of church and state and this needs to change

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Smithfield Utah

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Data Layers
Election Data
Percentage of population by race (denoted by shading opacity):
This map was created at

Economic or Environmental Interests

Lots of manufacturing jobs, commute outside of town for work

Community Activities and Services

Community participated in central town and city parks, travels to nearby Logan for shopping. I am a minority as a non-Mormon, most people here are Mormon and are a part of that religious activity.

Cultural or Historical Interests

Smithfield has undergone significant growth in recent decade. Lots of new younger families, used to be a ritual community now more suburban.

Community Needs and Concerns

Religion significantly impacts politics in the state of Utah, need more separation of church and state and this needs to change
Better Boundaries
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