east salt lake county

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Community Information

transportation housing healthcare voting rights environment

The people in my community work together to improve our city. However, the current state legislative districts divide us up and pair us with people many many miles away in a different county. It would be nice if our city and surrounding cities were grouped together instead of the gerrymandering now in place.

My community shares an urban-wildlife interface. We have unique environmental issues not shared with those in the other county.

We are tired of having our voices diluted by the gerrymandered cracking of our community.

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east salt lake county

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Data Layers
Election Data
Percentage of population by race (denoted by shading opacity):
This map was created at Representable.org

Economic or Environmental Interests

My community shares an urban-wildlife interface. We have unique environmental issues not shared with those in the other county.

Community Activities and Services

The people in my community work together to improve our city. However, the current state legislative districts divide us up and pair us with people many many miles away in a different county. It would be nice if our city and surrounding cities were grouped together instead of the gerrymandering now in place.

Community Needs and Concerns

We are tired of having our voices diluted by the gerrymandered cracking of our community.
Better Boundaries
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