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The area I'm speaking about historically has a lot of farming and a lot of tourism because of the natural beauty of the forests and the mountains. Recently developers have been gobbling up land for housing developments. I'm concerned about farming and forests continuing in NC. In particular, there is a lot of interest in regenerative farming in this area that needs to be supported and represented in Congress and the Legislature. The forests are important for air quality and beauty.
Cherokee History, Civil War history, iconic blue ridge mountain parkway, all are in this area.
The importance of regenerative farming practices is critical to the economy, the food supply, and farm productivity. In addition, regenerative farming sequesters carbon in the soil, removing it from the environment where it is causing global warming. The trees of the Earth, that are so plentiful in this area, are the lungs of the planet. These interests need to be represented in the state and national halls of politics.
The gobbling up of farmland for housing developments is concerning.
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