Salt Lake County

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Community Information

transportation housing education environment suburban

Suburban community where many people commute to and from work. People use nearby mountains for recreation.

Predominant LDS culture with growing minority culture and other religious denominations. Growing support of LGBTQ issues. Growing population of independent and left-leaning while still predominantly Republican.

We love living near our mountains and rivers and lakes. We want to keep them clean and pristine for our you send our children’s use as well as visitors to come and boost our economy. We need to work on managing water use. There is still lots of growth occurring and we need to plan better for that including transportation and preserving the environment.

We need a district that is not so divided between urban and rural populations with very different needs. We definitely need improvement in transportation especially on the west side of the valley.

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Salt Lake County

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Data Layers
Election Data
Percentage of population by race (denoted by shading opacity):
This map was created at

Economic or Environmental Interests

We love living near our mountains and rivers and lakes. We want to keep them clean and pristine for our you send our children’s use as well as visitors to come and boost our economy. We need to work on managing water use. There is still lots of growth occurring and we need to plan better for that including transportation and preserving the environment.

Community Activities and Services

Suburban community where many people commute to and from work. People use nearby mountains for recreation.

Cultural or Historical Interests

Predominant LDS culture with growing minority culture and other religious denominations. Growing support of LGBTQ issues. Growing population of independent and left-leaning while still predominantly Republican.

Community Needs and Concerns

We need a district that is not so divided between urban and rural populations with very different needs. We definitely need improvement in transportation especially on the west side of the valley.
Better Boundaries
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