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-My community is largely both rural and suburban. although most land is used for agriculture, most people do not work in it. -The university is a large gathering place with football and basketball games. -There are also major gatherings during summer holidays, like 4th of July Fireworks at the stadium, county fairs, Cache Valley Cruise In, and more. -We access most things through our own vehicle transport. There is local transit with busses that is mostly utilized in the center of the valley with college students being most of the patrons. However, others still use it for various purposes, such as shopping, non-emergency medical needs, and traveling to/from work
Local interests include the LDS Temple and pioneer heritage. There is also a strong arts district here with the varying music programs. We have multiple theatre companies, both professional and community, as well as a professional opera and choir/orchestra.
Agriculture is a major player in my community, supported by Utah State University sciences as well as private farmers. Water resources are a major concern with growth in the valley. Air pollution is also a major problem during the winter inversions
Our farming community should be placed with similar farming communities and not with major city centers, such as Ogden and the Davis County area.
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