Warm Springs Alliance

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Community Information

historical Indigenous diversity environment public health

My community is made up of people who want to preserve and protect an unused hot spring and historic building in Salt Lake City and create a gathering place where people from all backgrounds, economic situations, ages, and genders can come together to heal and connect.

The diverse community surrounding Warm Springs has the weathiest neighborhood in Salt Lake on one side and a low-income neighborhood on the other side. This historic site served as a gathering place beginning for indigenous people, then European settlers. We would like to honor the history of this place and gather there again.

We want to see this natural hot spring that flows to the Great Salt Lake and the surrounding area protected for the long term.

We are concerned that the historic building at Warm Springs has been neglected and the precious natural resource of the mineral water has been draining away for 50 years.

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Warm Springs Alliance

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Data Layers
Election Data
Percentage of population by race (denoted by shading opacity):
This map was created at Representable.org

Economic or Environmental Interests

We want to see this natural hot spring that flows to the Great Salt Lake and the surrounding area protected for the long term.

Community Activities and Services

My community is made up of people who want to preserve and protect an unused hot spring and historic building in Salt Lake City and create a gathering place where people from all backgrounds, economic situations, ages, and genders can come together to heal and connect.

Cultural or Historical Interests

The diverse community surrounding Warm Springs has the weathiest neighborhood in Salt Lake on one side and a low-income neighborhood on the other side. This historic site served as a gathering place beginning for indigenous people, then European settlers. We would like to honor the history of this place and gather there again.

Community Needs and Concerns

We are concerned that the historic building at Warm Springs has been neglected and the precious natural resource of the mineral water has been draining away for 50 years.
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