West Murray/East Taylorsville

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Community Information

voting rights diversity environment suburban affordable

My community includes the west side of Murray. Intermountain Healthcare is a major focus of this area. Proximity to Taulorsville adds to the racial and ethnic diversity of this area.

My community mixes longtime Murray residents with historic ties to the area and new arrivals. While predominantly white, it includes and supports people of color.

My community is near State Street in Murray, a major economic center for the city, as well as shopping areas in eastern Taylorsville.

Affordable housing, fair political representation, renewable energy, environmental preservation and restoration, access to education

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West Murray/East Taylorsville

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Data Layers
Election Data
Percentage of population by race (denoted by shading opacity):
This map was created at Representable.org

Economic or Environmental Interests

My community is near State Street in Murray, a major economic center for the city, as well as shopping areas in eastern Taylorsville.

Community Activities and Services

My community includes the west side of Murray. Intermountain Healthcare is a major focus of this area. Proximity to Taulorsville adds to the racial and ethnic diversity of this area.

Cultural or Historical Interests

My community mixes longtime Murray residents with historic ties to the area and new arrivals. While predominantly white, it includes and supports people of color.

Community Needs and Concerns

Affordable housing, fair political representation, renewable energy, environmental preservation and restoration, access to education
Better Boundaries
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