NE Denver Diverse SJWs

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Community Information

transportation housing diversity environment

The Roman Catholics in Cole Neighborhood - many Latino/a/x - go to Annunciation Church. We’re close to both 30th & Downing station and 38th & Blake station, though neither are in our neighborhood proper. The 43 bus on MLK is pretty frequent and well-used.

We host the old Denver Tramway barn - now offices for a lot of non-profits. Cole has historically housed those of modest means from all races and ethnicities, but it’s in danger of gentrifying and losing that character.

The north part of Cole is affected by the superfund in Swansea. Occasionally, we smell Suncor or Purina having a bad day. We’ve had to survive construction of the A Line, 39th Ave Greenway flood control, and central I-70

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NE Denver Diverse SJWs

Data Layers

Election Data
Population: 64179
Percentage of population by race (denoted by shading opacity):
This map was created at

Economic or Environmental Interests

The north part of Cole is affected by the superfund in Swansea. Occasionally, we smell Suncor or Purina having a bad day. We’ve had to survive construction of the A Line, 39th Ave Greenway flood control, and central I-70

Community Activities and Services

The Roman Catholics in Cole Neighborhood - many Latino/a/x - go to Annunciation Church. We’re close to both 30th & Downing station and 38th & Blake station, though neither are in our neighborhood proper. The 43 bus on MLK is pretty frequent and well-used.

Cultural or Historical Interests

We host the old Denver Tramway barn - now offices for a lot of non-profits. Cole has historically housed those of modest means from all races and ethnicities, but it’s in danger of gentrifying and losing that character.