Green Valley / Warm Springs

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Community Information

race Indigenous activism air quality low taxes

Lots of recreation in my area. Good access to healthcare like urgent cares. Bus stops are there but there could be more. Grocery stores are a little spread out and there is vacant lots.

Predominantly white in the house community apartment complexes are more diverse. Houses are older people and people with families. Apartment living is younger. English spoken more.

White collar workers and retired people. Air quality can be bad in my area. Blue collar workers.

More lighting in streets in housing community.

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Green Valley / Warm Springs

COI Maps
Data Layers
Election Data
Population: 8878
Percentage of population by race (denoted by shading opacity):
This map was created at

Economic or Environmental Interests

White collar workers and retired people. Air quality can be bad in my area. Blue collar workers.

Community Activities and Services

Lots of recreation in my area. Good access to healthcare like urgent cares. Bus stops are there but there could be more. Grocery stores are a little spread out and there is vacant lots.

Cultural or Historical Interests

Predominantly white in the house community apartment complexes are more diverse. Houses are older people and people with families. Apartment living is younger. English spoken more.

Community Needs and Concerns

More lighting in streets in housing community.
Nevadans Count
COI Maps