Working professionals in salt lake city

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Community Information

LGBT+ education small businesses recreation outdoor activities

My community is made up of a diverse and inclusive group of people who like to take advantage of the parks, golf courses, restaurants, bars, events and, trails that the salt lake city has to offer.

My urban community is in the same district as as several farming and rural communities that do not have much in common. I would like to see urban communities grouped together so that our representative can better understand and advocate for the unique needs of a city environment.

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Working professionals in salt lake city

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Data Layers
Election Data
Percentage of population by race (denoted by shading opacity):
This map was created at

Community Activities and Services

My community is made up of a diverse and inclusive group of people who like to take advantage of the parks, golf courses, restaurants, bars, events and, trails that the salt lake city has to offer.

Community Needs and Concerns

My urban community is in the same district as as several farming and rural communities that do not have much in common. I would like to see urban communities grouped together so that our representative can better understand and advocate for the unique needs of a city environment.
Better Boundaries
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