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My community is made up of people who form a close knitted family of diverse members. Members are politicians, law officers, teachers, farmers and all of which are church members of a diverse nominations. There aren't any schools in the immediate area. All children are bused to Sylvania for both elementary and high school.
My community's cultural bonds center around ancestors who farmed for a living. Over the years the majority of residents have ventured away from farming and have sought advanced education and employment in nearby cities. This progression has enabled the community to grow and prosper. We are told of times when our forefathers were slaves, and then sharecroppers in the same area. Now that same land is owned by their offspring.
Most people are either retirees or employed in the nearby cities of Statesboro, Sylvania, or as far away as Savannah. No known environmental issues to speak of.
My community needs better access to a social gathering and resource center. Seniors are suffering from not resources available to them.
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