Salt Lake City

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Community Information

infrastructure COVID-19 homelessness large corporations air quality

My community of interest lives in an urban setting and has needs based on that situation such as transportation, housing, need for parks, love of the arts, access to healthcare, access to schools, access to higher education, and jobs. I believe my community desires infrastructure that supports a dense population such as walkable neighborhoods and serious urban planning to help with commuting.

My community is predominantly white and a range of lower to upper middle class. I believe there is religious diversity and people who are relocated to Utah for jobs and higher education. There are walkable neighborhoods, local businesses, and support of arts and libraries. People like to go to restaurants and do outside activities such as biking, walking, running and going to the park. Many of the house have Black Lives Matter signs and other signs showing support of the broad community and diversity.

My community is from the foothills and includes the city, university area and avenues. People are very concerned about the polluted air we breath. Many people ride bikes. I believe people work in the city, at the University, and telecommute. Some probably work along the Wasatch Front. Housing is VERY expensive in my community and traffic is becoming worse as more and more apartments are built without road or transportation infrastructure to support it.

My community is an urban area, it is a city with distinct city needs which include a diverse population, transportation, pollution, infrastructure support, poverty, etc. It SHOULD NOT be connected to rural areas that have representatives and populations who do not understand or benefit from solutions that serve and benefit my community. I feel like this is a SIGNIFICANT problem. Representatives from rural areas make decisions for my community that benefit their communities rather than mine -- often their decisions are detrimental to my community.

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Salt Lake City

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Data Layers
Election Data
Percentage of population by race (denoted by shading opacity):
This map was created at

Economic or Environmental Interests

My community is from the foothills and includes the city, university area and avenues. People are very concerned about the polluted air we breath. Many people ride bikes. I believe people work in the city, at the University, and telecommute. Some probably work along the Wasatch Front. Housing is VERY expensive in my community and traffic is becoming worse as more and more apartments are built without road or transportation infrastructure to support it.

Community Activities and Services

My community of interest lives in an urban setting and has needs based on that situation such as transportation, housing, need for parks, love of the arts, access to healthcare, access to schools, access to higher education, and jobs. I believe my community desires infrastructure that supports a dense population such as walkable neighborhoods and serious urban planning to help with commuting.

Cultural or Historical Interests

My community is predominantly white and a range of lower to upper middle class. I believe there is religious diversity and people who are relocated to Utah for jobs and higher education. There are walkable neighborhoods, local businesses, and support of arts and libraries. People like to go to restaurants and do outside activities such as biking, walking, running and going to the park. Many of the house have Black Lives Matter signs and other signs showing support of the broad community and diversity.

Community Needs and Concerns

My community is an urban area, it is a city with distinct city needs which include a diverse population, transportation, pollution, infrastructure support, poverty, etc. It SHOULD NOT be connected to rural areas that have representatives and populations who do not understand or benefit from solutions that serve and benefit my community. I feel like this is a SIGNIFICANT problem. Representatives from rural areas make decisions for my community that benefit their communities rather than mine -- often their decisions are detrimental to my community.
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