
Map your Community!
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Map downloads include the community information below.

Community Information

transportation renewable resources education environment affordable

My community is the Avenues, downtown Salt Lake and Sugarhouse. That's where I shop, go to the rec centers, and hang out with friends.

The arts and restaurant community of Salt Lake and Park City.

Hiking, foothills, clean water

Keep the Avenues, Sugarhouse, downtown Salt Lake together for shared policy concerns.

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Data Layers
Election Data
Percentage of population by race (denoted by shading opacity):
This map was created at Representable.org

Economic or Environmental Interests

Hiking, foothills, clean water

Community Activities and Services

My community is the Avenues, downtown Salt Lake and Sugarhouse. That's where I shop, go to the rec centers, and hang out with friends.

Cultural or Historical Interests

The arts and restaurant community of Salt Lake and Park City.

Community Needs and Concerns

Keep the Avenues, Sugarhouse, downtown Salt Lake together for shared policy concerns.
Better Boundaries
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