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Community Information

renewable resources housing education environment affordable

Activities in this community are primarily outdoor recreation. Mountain biking, hiking, river rafting, four wheeling. All health care services are located near hospital complex which is more or less centrally located. Health insurance is typically not easily available to most community members.

Tourism is the main industry, and therefore most jobs are low wage and low benefits, seasonal employment is the norm. The natural environment and wilderness qualities of national parks and public land is the main tourism attraction. However, state and federal agencies responsible for protecting those qualities are grossly under-resourced and cannot adequately protect from over use and abuse.

The community needs to close gap between wages, cost of living, and quality of life issues for the people who LIVE here as opposed to steering resources to tourism needs.

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Data Layers
Election Data
Population: 18104
Percentage of population by race (denoted by shading opacity):
This map was created at

Economic or Environmental Interests

Tourism is the main industry, and therefore most jobs are low wage and low benefits, seasonal employment is the norm. The natural environment and wilderness qualities of national parks and public land is the main tourism attraction. However, state and federal agencies responsible for protecting those qualities are grossly under-resourced and cannot adequately protect from over use and abuse.

Community Activities and Services

Activities in this community are primarily outdoor recreation. Mountain biking, hiking, river rafting, four wheeling. All health care services are located near hospital complex which is more or less centrally located. Health insurance is typically not easily available to most community members.

Community Needs and Concerns

The community needs to close gap between wages, cost of living, and quality of life issues for the people who LIVE here as opposed to steering resources to tourism needs.
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