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My community is made of a very diverse mixture of people. With this being home to a university, a couple colleges, and trade schools, people living here either temporarily or permanently have come from many far away states, or even foreign countries. It has many beautiful places to live and thrive. It is my hope that all the hope and prosperity that it has to offer can one day be shared equitably with all who live here.
Culturally, my community has much to offer.
As far as the economy is concerned, I must say that the prices of goods and services far outweigh the salaries that long-time locals receive. This leaves a lot to be desired. This is definitely a town of the haves and the have nots. And this pertains to everything that is for purchase, especially for food that reflect the highest prices imaginable. Yet salaries remain low.
I am not against change, but I do want to see it done fairly. Redistricting should not benefit one specific group, while overlooking the needs of others. Redistricting should be unbiased based on the premise of one for all, and all for one. I am for fair Redistricting.
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