Mountain Town Workers

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transportation renewable resources housing education environment

My community struggles with high cost of living and resorts paying low wages and not following standard employment practices like; 2 hours show up pay, waiting/engaged to work, overtime, donning and doffing, equipment reimbursement, use of personal cell phones, etc. Servers are still paid $2.25 an hour. Utah does not have state employment laws like others do. Resorts get away with antiquated laws that were enacted for seasonal concessions at national parks and the like that did not see profit margins like our ski industry produces.

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Mountain Town Workers

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Data Layers
Election Data
Percentage of population by race (denoted by shading opacity):
This map was created at

Economic or Environmental Interests

My community struggles with high cost of living and resorts paying low wages and not following standard employment practices like; 2 hours show up pay, waiting/engaged to work, overtime, donning and doffing, equipment reimbursement, use of personal cell phones, etc. Servers are still paid $2.25 an hour. Utah does not have state employment laws like others do. Resorts get away with antiquated laws that were enacted for seasonal concessions at national parks and the like that did not see profit margins like our ski industry produces.
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