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My community is a faith based community with various denominations. It is mostly rural and covers a complete county, with 5 municipalities. We have various small shopping centers, and a public library. We do not have a hospital. However, medical needs are accessed by traveling up to 20 miles away to neighboring counties, or by going to the local Urgent Care facility.
Both historically and culturally, we are home to the Telfair County NAACP Branch, and the Old South Georgia College, which is listed in the National Register.
The economy here is not favorable for growth and is actually stagnated.
The community has many needs. And presently the districts are unfairly drawn, and some cover vast areas that do not reflect a concern for people in the rural community. There is no fair representation! I would like to see the lines redrawn to fairly give everyone the opportunity to vote for, and elect leaders who represent their core values that will in turn lead to a positive future for everyone concerned.
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