West side of Wasatch Front, near Salt Lake City

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Community Information

transportation healthcare diversity environment affordable

Our community has a diverse group of people and there is adequate (but could be better) public transit;/

Air quality here is often very poor. There have been many years of drought but people still waste water on grass. In general Utah does not seem to have much interest in environmental issues.

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West side of Wasatch Front, near Salt Lake City

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Data Layers
Election Data
Percentage of population by race (denoted by shading opacity):
This map was created at Representable.org

Economic or Environmental Interests

Air quality here is often very poor. There have been many years of drought but people still waste water on grass. In general Utah does not seem to have much interest in environmental issues.

Community Activities and Services

Our community has a diverse group of people and there is adequate (but could be better) public transit;/
Better Boundaries
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