Hillcrest and Heights Neighborhood Districts

Arkansas Fair & Equitable Mapping Awareness, Planning & Action Team
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Community Information

housing voting rights diversity art disability services

My community is "hillcrest neighborhood district," which includes 48% of householders who rent their home and who tend to be under-represented.

My community is made up of primarily white and some moderately wealthy upper middle class families and single professionals. Others are students or residents at UAMS. Many new residents (here under 10 years.) It is an historically homogeneously white area; but historically had a large African-American Community within it (Pulaski Heights), red-lined in the 1950s. So there are people all over Little Rock who have ancestral ties back to the "heights" of Pulaski County. I want all of us, cultures, and history represented.

Arkansas is the only state whose landlord-tenant law does not included an implied warranty of habitability. Renting in Arkansas is health harming. Historic preservation favors white southern aristocracy over others, inflates housing prices, and caters to a particular tourist market. Arts and Culture tend to do the same. We need to change our views of what art, culture, history in LR and Arkansas are.

We have pockets of constituencies already under-represented within neighborhood districts; voice diluted when it comes to city government. The current redistricting that splits Pulaski County into several districts exacerbates the already negative impact.

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Hillcrest and Heights Neighborhood Districts

Arkansas Fair & Equitable Mapping Awareness, Planning & Action Team
Data Layers

Election Data
Population: 12558
Percentage of population by race (denoted by shading opacity):
This map was created at Representable.org

Economic or Environmental Interests

Arkansas is the only state whose landlord-tenant law does not included an implied warranty of habitability. Renting in Arkansas is health harming. Historic preservation favors white southern aristocracy over others, inflates housing prices, and caters to a particular tourist market. Arts and Culture tend to do the same. We need to change our views of what art, culture, history in LR and Arkansas are.

Community Activities and Services

My community is "hillcrest neighborhood district," which includes 48% of householders who rent their home and who tend to be under-represented.

Cultural or Historical Interests

My community is made up of primarily white and some moderately wealthy upper middle class families and single professionals. Others are students or residents at UAMS. Many new residents (here under 10 years.) It is an historically homogeneously white area; but historically had a large African-American Community within it (Pulaski Heights), red-lined in the 1950s. So there are people all over Little Rock who have ancestral ties back to the "heights" of Pulaski County. I want all of us, cultures, and history represented.

Community Needs and Concerns

We have pockets of constituencies already under-represented within neighborhood districts; voice diluted when it comes to city government. The current redistricting that splits Pulaski County into several districts exacerbates the already negative impact.
Arkansas Fair & Equitable Mapping Awareness, Planning & Action Team
Arkansas Fair & Equitable Mapping Awareness, Planning & Action Team