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People in town meet at the convention center. People on the reservation gather at the tribal gym. There is several shopping areas and a school system with a few different schools. There is a community college(WNC). There is a library and some parks. There is Lake Lahontan. In my area there is one church; the mormon church.
There are churches. there are different minorities however I don't know of any specific places for them to meet. I do not believe there is a shared history.
A lot of people are employed by the mine. I don't know of any other places really. I don't know of any environmental concerns.
Politicians should know that we are a diverse community and would benefit from public health programs such as public transport, health services and things like that.People feel disenfranchises by zoning because it makes minorities have a harder time being represented. It has been used to drowned out the voices of others.
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