Utah Teamsters

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Community Information

LGBT+ housing mental health environment affordable

My community consists of my daughters school, the Labor Union I'm a member of and a group of birdwatchers.

My community is made up of workers living paycheck to paycheck fighting to stay above the poverty line.

My community is suffering water shortages, algae blooms in our lakes and rivers, extremely poor air quality and forest fires.

My community doesn't have a representative in congress due to gerrymandering. The working people of salt lake county are having their vote diluted by rural counties controlled by industry and land owners.

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Utah Teamsters

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Data Layers
Election Data
Percentage of population by race (denoted by shading opacity):
This map was created at Representable.org

Economic or Environmental Interests

My community is suffering water shortages, algae blooms in our lakes and rivers, extremely poor air quality and forest fires.

Community Activities and Services

My community consists of my daughters school, the Labor Union I'm a member of and a group of birdwatchers.

Cultural or Historical Interests

My community is made up of workers living paycheck to paycheck fighting to stay above the poverty line.

Community Needs and Concerns

My community doesn't have a representative in congress due to gerrymandering. The working people of salt lake county are having their vote diluted by rural counties controlled by industry and land owners.
Better Boundaries
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