North of Main Neighborhood - Fitchburg

Massachusetts Communities of Interest
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Community Information

Fitchburg State University. YMCA. Senior center. Fitchburg Art Museum. The police department and fire department are in this neighborhood. Fitchburg's principle commercial corridor. City Hall.

Diverse, has 30 to 40% minority population, with a majority of them being Latinx. Has an aging population of homeowners, people who were in the neighborhood before it began this process of disinvestment. There are newer, younger families coming in and purchasing homes.

Concentration of low-income people and poverty, Fitchburg's highest concentration of people who haven't completed a high school diploma. This area was significantly impacted by the last recession. For a significant period of time, there were a lot of vacant homes. Lower housing prices. Aging housing stock. Municipal disinvestment; five to ten years ago Fitchburg could not afford to keep the lights running in this neighborhood. Times when Department of Public Works has started to repair sidewalks but never finished. This area is in transition right now, there are investors going in and taking advantage of low housing prices and trying to flip houses.

Large revitalization projects will impact this area for the next few years. Current investments in the area include a new City Hall, affordable artist housing, the University is investing in the community.

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North of Main Neighborhood - Fitchburg

Massachusetts Communities of Interest
Data Layers

Election Data
Percentage of population by race (denoted by shading opacity):
This map was created at

Economic or Environmental Interests

Concentration of low-income people and poverty, Fitchburg's highest concentration of people who haven't completed a high school diploma. This area was significantly impacted by the last recession. For a significant period of time, there were a lot of vacant homes. Lower housing prices. Aging housing stock. Municipal disinvestment; five to ten years ago Fitchburg could not afford to keep the lights running in this neighborhood. Times when Department of Public Works has started to repair sidewalks but never finished. This area is in transition right now, there are investors going in and taking advantage of low housing prices and trying to flip houses.

Community Activities and Services

Fitchburg State University. YMCA. Senior center. Fitchburg Art Museum. The police department and fire department are in this neighborhood. Fitchburg's principle commercial corridor. City Hall.

Cultural or Historical Interests

Diverse, has 30 to 40% minority population, with a majority of them being Latinx. Has an aging population of homeowners, people who were in the neighborhood before it began this process of disinvestment. There are newer, younger families coming in and purchasing homes.

Community Needs and Concerns

Large revitalization projects will impact this area for the next few years. Current investments in the area include a new City Hall, affordable artist housing, the University is investing in the community.
Drawing Democracy Coalition
Massachusetts Communities of Interest