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Community Information

My neighborhood is walkable with small shops and restaurants close by. We have very good amenities -- close to the UofU and Westminster and all they can offer, a major hospital with several clinics within easy access.

My community is what was euphemistically called a mixed area -- Mormon and non-Mormon.

My community is urban with a strong neighborly feel. Many are educated professionals or retired professionals. I would guess the average income is higher than the state as a whole. Many are concerned about unsustainable growth and protecting the environment if yard signs are an indication.

Salt Lake City has been gerrymandered so that our vote is split into more conservative districts. Salt Lake County doesn't even have a national representative who lives in Salt Lake County.

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Data Layers
Election Data
Percentage of population by race (denoted by shading opacity):
This map was created at

Economic or Environmental Interests

My community is urban with a strong neighborly feel. Many are educated professionals or retired professionals. I would guess the average income is higher than the state as a whole. Many are concerned about unsustainable growth and protecting the environment if yard signs are an indication.

Community Activities and Services

My neighborhood is walkable with small shops and restaurants close by. We have very good amenities -- close to the UofU and Westminster and all they can offer, a major hospital with several clinics within easy access.

Cultural or Historical Interests

My community is what was euphemistically called a mixed area -- Mormon and non-Mormon.

Community Needs and Concerns

Salt Lake City has been gerrymandered so that our vote is split into more conservative districts. Salt Lake County doesn't even have a national representative who lives in Salt Lake County.
Better Boundaries
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