Salt Lake City

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Community Information

My community gathers at the Jewish community center and at events in downtown SLC like festivals and at the UofU

Support for zoo, arts and parks, art is particularly important as is a diverse education that emphasizes liberal arts and the ability to use reason

Air quality is among the worst in the nation. We have limited water but all my neighbors waste it

My community needs to be better represented through better districting. We are far more progressive about issues across the board than our representatives in politics. The values of the LDS community that runs the state is far too restrictive regarding individual rights and far too slow to adapt to changing values and needs

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Salt Lake City

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Data Layers
Election Data
Percentage of population by race (denoted by shading opacity):
This map was created at

Economic or Environmental Interests

Air quality is among the worst in the nation. We have limited water but all my neighbors waste it

Community Activities and Services

My community gathers at the Jewish community center and at events in downtown SLC like festivals and at the UofU

Cultural or Historical Interests

Support for zoo, arts and parks, art is particularly important as is a diverse education that emphasizes liberal arts and the ability to use reason

Community Needs and Concerns

My community needs to be better represented through better districting. We are far more progressive about issues across the board than our representatives in politics. The values of the LDS community that runs the state is far too restrictive regarding individual rights and far too slow to adapt to changing values and needs
Better Boundaries
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