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Our community is a very diverse, and we gather throughout our community, such as in our parks, libraries, shopping, schools, place of worship, coffee shops, along our city streets. Everyone is friendly. Our services include, healthcare services, public transportation, schools, emergency assistance.
Diverse communities like ours is made up of various ethnicity, religious groups, languages, and economic backgrounds. Though we all get along and enjoy learning from each others culture.
Our community has various businesses that surround us, as well as close by public transportation. The White Sox Team is within walking distance to enjoy. The organization always donates to the community.
Our community is very concerned over the loss of what makes up our neighborhood. Cutting up the community because culture and race isn't a reason to remap if you want people to learn to get along. Our community gets along beautifully and we respect each other. We as a community learn and strengthen each other by sharing and educating ourselves. We have to stop cutting the pie because of culture or language, we know when we move into a neighborhood what the population is. These aldermanic positions are over rated and remapping causes boundaries.
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