Sugarhouse Progressive

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Community Information

transportation healthcare voting rights education environment

My community is endangered by poor air quality and a lack of the state government to address this problem. My community spends too much money for poor quality medical insurance and are limited in job choices because their insurance is tied to the employer.

My community is my family and children that attend an underfunded education system. My children will struggle to pay for a basic 4 year degree without 20-30k in debt.

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Sugarhouse Progressive

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Data Layers
Election Data
Percentage of population by race (denoted by shading opacity):
This map was created at

Economic or Environmental Interests

My community is endangered by poor air quality and a lack of the state government to address this problem. My community spends too much money for poor quality medical insurance and are limited in job choices because their insurance is tied to the employer.

Community Needs and Concerns

My community is my family and children that attend an underfunded education system. My children will struggle to pay for a basic 4 year degree without 20-30k in debt.
Better Boundaries
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