Rural nature lovers

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Snow College in Ephraim is a center of activity for the whole county. Public schools, especially high schools also host many activities. Traditionally, the LDS church has held the central place for all Sanpete towns, but now there is a growing Catholic presence as well as unaffiliated people.

Sanpete has a history of agriculture and small-scale industry. Celebrating agriculture and cowboy culture is very important to many even as fewer people actually work in ranching and farming. The oldest European settlers were mostly English and Danish and the Scandinavian roots are a constant theme. In recent decades, Latinx people have immigrated, starting with working age men and extending to families. The largest ELL group of schoolkids is Spanish speaking. I feel that there is a very clear divide between 'old settler' stock and Latinos. Also, a very recent immigrant trend is from American Samoa.

One of the largest employers is the Central UT prison. Other jobs are in education, agriculture, trucking and mining. The city governments are trying to increase tourism, but I don't think we have much conservation mindedness here. For example, grazing sheep and cattle is considered more important than protecting watersheds. Water demand is also never-ending problem. The cities try to promote households conserving water, but there's no real incentive.

Sanpete and Carbon Counties have been arguing over water from the Gooseberry Creek for about a century. I don't know if putting them in the same district would help solve that or just make it worse. Opioids and meth have hit Sanpete hard, like other rural areas. I find it interesting that we also have quite a large "troubled teen" industry. It seems ironic (Is your kid on drugs? Send them to a place with lots of drugs!) I find rural living necessary for my mental health, but apparently it's hard on a lot of people.

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Rural nature lovers

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Economic or Environmental Interests

One of the largest employers is the Central UT prison. Other jobs are in education, agriculture, trucking and mining. The city governments are trying to increase tourism, but I don't think we have much conservation mindedness here. For example, grazing sheep and cattle is considered more important than protecting watersheds. Water demand is also never-ending problem. The cities try to promote households conserving water, but there's no real incentive.

Community Activities and Services

Snow College in Ephraim is a center of activity for the whole county. Public schools, especially high schools also host many activities. Traditionally, the LDS church has held the central place for all Sanpete towns, but now there is a growing Catholic presence as well as unaffiliated people.

Cultural or Historical Interests

Sanpete has a history of agriculture and small-scale industry. Celebrating agriculture and cowboy culture is very important to many even as fewer people actually work in ranching and farming. The oldest European settlers were mostly English and Danish and the Scandinavian roots are a constant theme. In recent decades, Latinx people have immigrated, starting with working age men and extending to families. The largest ELL group of schoolkids is Spanish speaking. I feel that there is a very clear divide between 'old settler' stock and Latinos. Also, a very recent immigrant trend is from American Samoa.

Community Needs and Concerns

Sanpete and Carbon Counties have been arguing over water from the Gooseberry Creek for about a century. I don't know if putting them in the same district would help solve that or just make it worse. Opioids and meth have hit Sanpete hard, like other rural areas. I find it interesting that we also have quite a large "troubled teen" industry. It seems ironic (Is your kid on drugs? Send them to a place with lots of drugs!) I find rural living necessary for my mental health, but apparently it's hard on a lot of people.
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