South Layton

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Community Information

housing healthcare mental health education environment

In my community, people gather on hiking trails, parks, lakes, rivers, etc. Healthcare is accessed via PCPs and Hospitals. Public transportation is not widely utilized, but bike lanes and bike trails are.

My communities are made of educators, outdoor recreation enthusiasts, single-parent families. We share a love of the outdoors, education, and the welfare of families and children.

In my community, we are educators and nurses. We are (not me) retired people. We are construction workers and first responders. We are hard-working, working-class people. We value clean air, healthcare and education.

My community is severely lacking in mental health care options and availability. The air quality is horrible and there are water shortages. Housing is expensive and unattainable. We have a domestic violence crisis.

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South Layton

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Data Layers
Election Data
Percentage of population by race (denoted by shading opacity):
This map was created at

Economic or Environmental Interests

In my community, we are educators and nurses. We are (not me) retired people. We are construction workers and first responders. We are hard-working, working-class people. We value clean air, healthcare and education.

Community Activities and Services

In my community, people gather on hiking trails, parks, lakes, rivers, etc. Healthcare is accessed via PCPs and Hospitals. Public transportation is not widely utilized, but bike lanes and bike trails are.

Cultural or Historical Interests

My communities are made of educators, outdoor recreation enthusiasts, single-parent families. We share a love of the outdoors, education, and the welfare of families and children.

Community Needs and Concerns

My community is severely lacking in mental health care options and availability. The air quality is horrible and there are water shortages. Housing is expensive and unattainable. We have a domestic violence crisis.
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