Non Mormon liberal environmentalists.

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Community Information

healthcare diversity education environment recreation

I am an outdoor enthusiast and could live anywhere in the world. I chose Utah and Salt Lake City for my flying career but will probably stay in slc for the recreational activities. Skiing, hiking, near national parks, rafting and mountains.

I live in the Avenues…one of the oldest and diverse and liberal neighborhoods in Utah. I am not religious and as a former Navy pilot and commercial pilot for Delta air lines (for 30 yrs) I usually vote for good governance and democratic.

I am an environmentalist and want to encourage the transition to renewable energy . I do not like the pollution of old carbon based energy and where I live in utahs most densely populated landscape I feel the effects of pollution.

My family is fairly liberal for Utah. We support diversity, a woman’s reproductive rights, gay rights and like to drink wine and alcohol.

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Non Mormon liberal environmentalists.

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Data Layers
Election Data
Population: 192636
Percentage of population by race (denoted by shading opacity):
This map was created at

Economic or Environmental Interests

I am an environmentalist and want to encourage the transition to renewable energy . I do not like the pollution of old carbon based energy and where I live in utahs most densely populated landscape I feel the effects of pollution.

Community Activities and Services

I am an outdoor enthusiast and could live anywhere in the world. I chose Utah and Salt Lake City for my flying career but will probably stay in slc for the recreational activities. Skiing, hiking, near national parks, rafting and mountains.

Cultural or Historical Interests

I live in the Avenues…one of the oldest and diverse and liberal neighborhoods in Utah. I am not religious and as a former Navy pilot and commercial pilot for Delta air lines (for 30 yrs) I usually vote for good governance and democratic.

Community Needs and Concerns

My family is fairly liberal for Utah. We support diversity, a woman’s reproductive rights, gay rights and like to drink wine and alcohol.
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