Cottonwood Heights

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Community Information

transportation healthcare diversity education environment

We often gather in the neighborhood at parks, coffee shops and at homes, and our services tend to follow the same forum.

The majority of our community is caucacation, mostly speaking english. Many of our children are bilingual as the schools in our area offer dual immersion.

Our area is a hub of tourism, mainly for the ski industry, but many other local interest like soccer and golf are popular. Given these interests, traffic, and pollution are major concerns.

Better methods to reduce pollution and traffic, reduce urban sprawl, and protect public land.

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Cottonwood Heights

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Data Layers
Election Data
Percentage of population by race (denoted by shading opacity):
This map was created at

Economic or Environmental Interests

Our area is a hub of tourism, mainly for the ski industry, but many other local interest like soccer and golf are popular. Given these interests, traffic, and pollution are major concerns.

Community Activities and Services

We often gather in the neighborhood at parks, coffee shops and at homes, and our services tend to follow the same forum.

Cultural or Historical Interests

The majority of our community is caucacation, mostly speaking english. Many of our children are bilingual as the schools in our area offer dual immersion.

Community Needs and Concerns

Better methods to reduce pollution and traffic, reduce urban sprawl, and protect public land.
Better Boundaries
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