The Asian Manhattan

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Within my community, there are numerous activities and services disposable for the public. Locations such as Flushing Meadow Park and the recreation center are in high use within my community since they are free and available for the public to use. In my interview, the one public space that my interviewees occasionally visited was Flushing Meadow Park and its night market present during the warmer weather. When speaking with the interviewees, they often frequent the recreation center since it is free for children as well as the multitude of sports activities and programs present. On top of the recreation center, during the warmer weather, they would visit public parks where they would use th

While Flushing hasn’t suffered from most natural disasters except flooding, it doesn’t disinvolve them from any environmental issues. One environmental concern is the pollution of Flushing’s waters that is caused by the water-front condominium being built there. Another environmental interest that defines my community is the large rise of buildings within Flushing as well as the prevalent traffic located on Main Street. Such developments and large traffic tend to pollute the city causing drastic environmental issues. As the population of Flushing continues to increase, the need for construction increases as well creating vast pollution with large areas of land being decimated to accommodate

Since my community is like a small city, transportation is a high priority, but mass transit is a major issue, even more in the outskirts. The only train that stops in Flushing is the 7 train and it only reaches the forefront of Flushing making trekking deeper a more difficult and tedious task. When speaking with my interviewees, their main concern was the lack of mobility available to the public. They often complained about the frequent delays and the long wait time for buses to arrive. Another concern they brought up was also the lack of trains present in Flushing making traveling long distances in Flushing expensive since they have to use delivery services which are costly e

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The Asian Manhattan

Data Layers
Election Data
Population: 143242
Percentage of population by race (denoted by shading opacity):
This map was created at

Economic or Environmental Interests

While Flushing hasn’t suffered from most natural disasters except flooding, it doesn’t disinvolve them from any environmental issues. One environmental concern is the pollution of Flushing’s waters that is caused by the water-front condominium being built there. Another environmental interest that defines my community is the large rise of buildings within Flushing as well as the prevalent traffic located on Main Street. Such developments and large traffic tend to pollute the city causing drastic environmental issues. As the population of Flushing continues to increase, the need for construction increases as well creating vast pollution with large areas of land being decimated to accommodate

Community Activities and Services

Within my community, there are numerous activities and services disposable for the public. Locations such as Flushing Meadow Park and the recreation center are in high use within my community since they are free and available for the public to use. In my interview, the one public space that my interviewees occasionally visited was Flushing Meadow Park and its night market present during the warmer weather. When speaking with the interviewees, they often frequent the recreation center since it is free for children as well as the multitude of sports activities and programs present. On top of the recreation center, during the warmer weather, they would visit public parks where they would use th

Community Needs and Concerns

Since my community is like a small city, transportation is a high priority, but mass transit is a major issue, even more in the outskirts. The only train that stops in Flushing is the 7 train and it only reaches the forefront of Flushing making trekking deeper a more difficult and tedious task. When speaking with my interviewees, their main concern was the lack of mobility available to the public. They often complained about the frequent delays and the long wait time for buses to arrive. Another concern they brought up was also the lack of trains present in Flushing making traveling long distances in Flushing expensive since they have to use delivery services which are costly e