Bountiful 500 S to 1800 S, east of Main St

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housing education suburban unaffordable partisanship

My community is a chunk of Bountiful roughly in the boundaries of Valley View, Bountiful, and Oak Hills Elementary schools. Overall the houses were built 1950s-1970s, though some much newer. Incomes follow a similar pattern. Public transportation is extremely limited. Most streets are nice for walking but everything is far apart.

Like much of Utah, my community is mostly white, LDS, Republican. Many are stridently so, so you don't realize that there are quite a few moderates here, particularly in my state House district and the neighboring one to the south. Our area has typically voted more moderately than much of the state on both candidates and ballot issues over the past several election cycles.

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Bountiful 500 S to 1800 S, east of Main St

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Election Data
Percentage of population by race (denoted by shading opacity):
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Community Activities and Services

My community is a chunk of Bountiful roughly in the boundaries of Valley View, Bountiful, and Oak Hills Elementary schools. Overall the houses were built 1950s-1970s, though some much newer. Incomes follow a similar pattern. Public transportation is extremely limited. Most streets are nice for walking but everything is far apart.

Cultural or Historical Interests

Like much of Utah, my community is mostly white, LDS, Republican. Many are stridently so, so you don't realize that there are quite a few moderates here, particularly in my state House district and the neighboring one to the south. Our area has typically voted more moderately than much of the state on both candidates and ballot issues over the past several election cycles.
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